At the current moment in time, I considered myself quite computer savvy. However, this inclination towards the media cannot be accredited at all to my previous educational environment. Though computers were always positioned at easy access in both my grade school and high school, teachers did not properly instruct their students how to navigate the web. Though computer classes were required, the material that we covered was somewhat a joke due to the fact that some students would be even more knowledgeable than the teacher when it came to basic computer technology. As a result of growing up in an era where our generation is immersed with technology, I believe that I was my best teacher. Since I was always surrounded by a computer beginning at a young age, I believe that I learned through doing resulting in being faster learner than my parents who did not encounter modern computer technology until later in their life. One of the reasons I learned by doing was because there is a wide range of information offered on the web that can further enhance one’s understanding of literature, culture, science, math, and essentially all facets of education. Honestly, I feel that homework in both high school and grade school would not have been accomplished as efficiently as it had been if it was not for the wide range of information accessible on the Internet. The Internet can reveal itself to be jungle of opportunities, but can also pose dangerous complications if misused. This is why we must be smart when it comes to our knowledge of the Internet and implement a technology program into our school systems that proves beneficial to the students of today of all backgrounds, financial states, and race instructing them how to be “Internet smart.” This is the only way we can ultimately defeat the digital divide.
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